Young people spend a large proportion of their lives in education. Motorvation Training is uniquely placed to play a central role in ensuring that students are protected from harm
Motorvation's primary responsibility is to facilitate learning, and children are more likely to engage in the learning process and achieve their potential if they are safe and well
Children who feel supported, listened to and valued at home and in school will welcome the educational opportunities provided for them
Motorvation Training will cater for children of different backgrounds, religions, cultures and abilities.
Our ability to safeguard will be evident on three levels:
Universal Safeguarding – this is our aim to keep all students safe by creating safe environments. This includes excellent site safety, safer recruitment of staff, strong school rules and codes of conduct and good safety awareness taught across the curriculum.
​Targeted Safeguarding – this is our aim to focus on groups of students whose personal, social or economic circumstances may result in an increased risk to their safety. For example looked after children, students with special educational needs, children subjected to racism etc.
​Responsive Safeguarding –this is our aim to respond quickly and appropriately to situations where students may be or have suffered harm. This is our support through our strong child protection procedures.
Safeguarding for Parents/Carers:
At Motorvation Training you can contact:
Mr Paul Barker Managing Director/Designated Safeguarding Lead
Miss Danielle Reed, Operations Manager/Deputy Designated Safeguarding Lead
You can also ask for advice or report your concern to the following:
Police : 999 (if want to report a crime but not an emergency 101)
NSCPCC child protection helpline : 0808 800 500
For young people within the Hull City Council boundary
If your concern is less urgent but you are worried about the welfare of the child, then contact The Access and Assessment team for Hull on 01482 448879.
Hull Children’s Social Care (CSC) has a ‘front door’ service, which is the first point of contact for any individual or agency that requires information, advice and safeguarding services for children and/or who may be worried about the welfare of a child 01482 300304.
For young people within the East Riding of Yorkshire Boundary​
If you are a young person, family member, carer, or member of the public and you want to discuss a child that you are worried about, or make a self-referral you can contact the Children’s Safeguarding Hub:
During office hours (Monday to Thursday 08.30am to 5pm, Friday 8.30 am to 4.30pm) you can contact the Children’s Safeguarding Hub by telephone on (01482) 395500 - Choose 'Option 1' and a social worker will be able to talk through your worries with you and discuss what happens next.
Outside of office hours, please contact the emergency duty team on (01482) 393939.
Sexual Abuse in an Educational Setting
​If you feel that you have been the victim of sexual abuse at school, please notify Paul Barker or Danielle Reed for support. Alternatively, the NSPCC are able to offer support via a dedicated hotline on 0800 136 663 or by email to help@nspcc.org.uk.
Harmful sexual behaviours
​It is normal for some children and young people (CYP) to display sexualised behaviour towards their peers as they develop. However, sexualised behaviour between peers that has become harmful or abusive is unacceptable and must be addressed.
Motorvation Training recognises that CYP are vulnerable to and capable of abusing their peers sexually.
We consider any allegation of child on child sexual abuse seriously and do not tolerate or pass off harmful sexual behaviour as ‘banter’, ‘just having a laugh’ or ‘part of growing up’. These allegations are managed in the same way as any other child protection concern and follow the same procedures, including seeking advice and support from other agencies as appropriate.
This policy is in line with the safeguarding requirements in Keeping Children Safe in Education (Department for Education (‘DfE’), 2023), which we must work to; Part 5 of the Keeping Children Safe in Education statutory guidance sets out how schools should manage reports of child-on-child sexual violence and harassment.
More information on how to the school deals with harmful sexual behaviours, bullying and behaviour can be found on the Policies and Documentation page.